I’m Aidan Booth, and my business partner is Steven Clayton. We have been teaching people how to build online businesses for over a decade and have trained and coached over 100,000 people many of whom have gone on to create 6 and 7-figure businesses.  

In 2020 we are launching a series of evergreen products in the online marketing/biz-opp space, a market where we have generated tens of millions of dollars in sales over the past few years.

The first three offers are live right now and you will find all the resources you need to promote them below. Then, over the coming months we will be adding a series of additional offers that you will be able to promote year round for large, on-going and consistent commissions.


Get registered now...

It is critical to register so we can inform you of any changes to the affiliate program and to make sure you get approved for these higher commission rates.

Enter your name and email in the form on the right to do this. After doing so you will remain on this page so you won't lose your place.


You have two options...

1. You can send traffic directly to the main sales pages of each of our three products and promote them separately. Or...

2. You can send traffic directly into our high-converting sales funnel where you will have the chance to earn commissions on MULTIPLE products.

With option 2, when someone subscribes, we send them a series of automated emails promoting all our products in sequence.

All the products are all under the same Clickbank account, and you will "cookie" them when you send them into the funnel.

Therefore, if they end up buying any one of the upsells/products we have to offer, you will get paid a commission.

Potentially you could make over $2000 in commissions, if a person was to purchase all the products we offer.

Essentially, you send traffic into our funnel via your affiliate link (an action you take ONE TIME), then we do all the follow up work to generate you as much money as possible.

You can get full resources for each of our products below. However, if you are short of time and want to grab your link and swipe to send people directly into our high-converting sales funnel, here is your link...


(replace the xxxxx with your Clickbank ID)

And here are some emails swipes to use...




The Infinity Project - Earn up to $748.50/sale

Teaches people how to build a highly-profitable digital product and affiliate marketing business in simple and easy to follow steps.

Get Affiliate Resources

FBA Black Edition - Earn up to $748.50/sale

How to create and successful sell branded physical products by leveraging the power of Amazon's 'FBA' program.

Underground Sales System - Earn up to $748.50/sale

Shows people how to make quick and easy profits in 24 hours or less with a unique style of "dropshipping" eCommerce . 


Thank you and let us know if you need anything: http://support.blueprintcentral.com

Steven Clayton & Aidan Booth